Angel Hernandez Retires from MLB Immediately Amid Controversy

( – Angel Hernandez, known as one of the most controversial umpires in MLB history, has announced his immediate retirement. Hernandez began his Major League career in 1991 and umpired for 33 years. He expressed his gratitude for living out his childhood dream and the camaraderie with colleagues and locker room attendants across various cities.

In his statement, Hernandez shared that he wants to spend more time with his family. He noted the positive changes in baseball, including the promotion of minorities, and his pride in contributing to that goal during his career.

Despite his impact on the game, Hernandez is widely remembered for some of the worst calls in MLB history. His reputation for controversial decisions overshadowed much of his career. This year, he ranked 67th out of 85 umpires in correct call rate, and he was last at the end of the previous year. Replays and the advent of the automated strike zone have put his calls under a larger microscope, often going viral for their inaccuracy.

Last month, Hernandez made headlines again with some of the worst calls in pitch-tracking history. His performance has led to criticism from players, including C.C. Sabathia, who said Hernandez should not have a job in the league.

Hernandez sued MLB in 2017, claiming racial discrimination for being overlooked for World Series assignments and a crew chief position. However, the lawsuit failed, and an appeals court upheld the ruling. The court found no statistically significant disparity in promotion rates between white and minority umpires. MLB’s evidence showed no significant difference, and Hernandez’s claims were unsupported.

Hernandez’s retirement came after he and MLB reached a financial settlement. Reports indicate that the agreement was finalized over the past few weeks, leading to his decision to retire during the season. Hernandez’s lawyer, Kevin Murphy, clarified that he was not forced out.

Hernandez’s last game was on May 9, which explains his absence from the field for nearly three weeks before his sudden retirement announcement. He emphasized his desire to spend more time with his family in his statement, reflecting on his career’s positive aspects and the friendships he made along the way.

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