Mayorkas Impeachment Seen as Good Sign by GOP

( – House Republicans have impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a narrow 214-213 vote, reversing a previous failed attempt from the week of February 5th. The move is seen as a response to the Biden administration’s border policies.

Mayorkas is only the second Cabinet secretary to face impeachment, and the articles will now go to the Senate for trial, likely to fail. President Joe Biden criticized House Republicans, calling their actions unconstitutional and politically motivated.

House Speaker Mike Johnson accused Mayorkas of consistently violating immigration laws and causing the worst border catastrophe in American history. The failed vote last week of February 5th was a setback for the House GOP, but a second attempt succeeded. Four Republicans joined Democrats to oppose the impeachment, while House Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s return boosted numbers.

Colorado Rep. Ken Buck argued against impeachment, stating that Mayorkas’ incompetence doesn’t meet the constitutional standard for impeachment at all. Fellow Republican Rep. Tom McClintock also opposed the effort, citing a lack of impeachable crimes.

House Democrats criticized the impeachment as baseless, accusing the GOP of playing political games. Democratic Whip Katherine Clark called it a sham to appease Donald Trump, while Rep. Pramila Jayapal described it as a dangerous low focused on undermining the Biden administration.

The only other Cabinet official impeached was Secretary of War William Belknap in 1876 over corruption allegations. Mayorkas’ impeachment, albeit narrow, reflects discontent with the Biden administration’s handling of border security.

Despite the vote’s closeness, it highlights dissatisfaction with Mayorkas, who critics argue has been a disaster under Biden’s direction. The impeachment effort stems from months-long Republican attempts to hold the Biden administration accountable for perceived failures in securing the U.S.-Mexico border. While Mayorkas is unlikely to be convicted in the Senate, the narrow vote for impeachment underscores the deep political divisions surrounding immigration policies and border security. Thus, setting the stage for further political clashes in the coming months.

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