(PatriotNews.net) – In a 223-191 vote, the House of Representatives greenlit a resolution blasting the Biden administration’s open-borders policies and urging a change in course to tackle the border crisis.
Thirteen Democrats joined 210 Republicans in backing the resolution, while 191 Democrats stood against it.
The resolution argues that President Joe Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas have crafted the worst border security crisis in the Nation’s history and criticizes Biden for dismantling border security measures since taking office.
Back in January H. Res. 957 was introduced to Congress, which condemns the Biden administration’s open-borders policies and urges President Biden to end them. It highlights the ongoing border security crisis, criticizes the release of millions of illegal aliens into the U.S., and blames the administration for dismantling immigration enforcement. The resolution calls on the House to denounce these policies and the crisis they’ve created along the southwest border.
The resolution affirms that the House believes the Biden administration’s executive actions are to blame for the current border crisis and condemns the public safety issues arising from these policies.
Biden’s administration is strongly being accused of allowing 9,500,000 illegal aliens, among them criminal aliens and suspected terrorists, to come to the southwest border. They also permitted at least 6,400,000 illegal aliens from the southwest border to move into American communities. Lastly, among other talking points, they disregarded, breached, or exploited U.S. immigration law and asylum agreements to deliberately worsen the ongoing border crisis.
In February of this year, a Monmouth University survey revealed that immigration stands as Biden’s least effective policy area, even among fellow Democrats. Voters consistently prioritize immigration as a key concern leading up to the November election, often ranking it just below inflation and the economy. Monmouth University revealed that more than 80% of Americans view illegal immigration as a significant issue, with over 60% considering it extremely serious.
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